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Professionals and general public – online

The Centre Léon Bérard (Lyon, France) is a partner in the PCM4EU European project (Coordinator Prof. Hans Gelderblom, Leiden University Medical Center). In this context, Dr Loïc Verlingue and Mrs Manon Antouly are organizing a special event in April 2024.

You are kindly invited to the OPENING SYMPOSIUM on the 3rd of April 2024 dedicated to overlook at the past, present and future of precision medicine in oncology.

The symposium will be accessible online to professionals and the general public – free of charge.

Please find attached the flyer with the programme, as well as the zoom link to join the event on the D day.

Please join and share in your institution and network !

PROGRAMME/ Flyer Opening Symposium Spring Academy PCM4EU

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Avec le soutien financier de l’INCa, la DGOS, et l’Inserm