We are proud to announce that the ICM is launching the integration of the humanoid robot Miroki into the paediatric radiotherapy department of our establishment.
This project, set up with the support of the SIRIC Montpellier Cancer, is a world first! Developed by Enchanted Tools, the Miroki robot is designed to be an interactive companion with a warm and caring personality. With the support and coordination of the paediatric team in the radiotherapy department, this robot will provide a familiar and comforting presence for children throughout their treatment – before they come, during consultations and, eventually, during their radiotherapy sessions, when no human presence is possible. By reducing anxiety and creating a calming environment, Miroki will help to make the experience of treatment more positive and less frightening for young patients, their families and carers too.
- ’ I started the project because I realised that we radiotherapy doctors deal with sick children on a daily basis: loneliness, fear and anxiety are inextricably linked to treatment sessions. Technology is opening up new perspectives. With Miroki, children will never again feel alone in the radiotherapy room . – Dr Julien Welmant, radiotherapist specialising in paediatrics at the ICM
- “The robot project will support children throughout their radiotherapy treatment. We need to assess the impact of Miroki’s presence in the radiotherapy oncology department at every level. This will be done both in terms of changes in human behaviour and the interaction of radiation on the robot. Several levels of research will be essential before it can be used in daily practice. It is thanks to the Montpellier Cancer SIRIC consortium that this research can be carried out. – Pr David Azria, Director of SIRIC Montpellier Cancer
A project made possible by generosity
This innovative project has been made possible by theexceptional commitment of Sandrine Moustardier – supported by Laeticia Hallyday and her association ‘La Bonne Etoile’ – whose fundraising efforts have brought together hundreds of donors in the Hérault Méditerranée conurbation and raised the money needed to purchase the prototype robot. A fundraising campaign is now underway to cover the costs of the research work and enable the current service to be transformed to create an interactive universe surrounding the robot.
to create an interactive world around the presence of the robot.
- “This innovative project is fully in line with the Montpellier metropolitan area’s MedVallée dynamic and reflects our desire to implement tomorrow’s oncology today. We firmly believe in the development of technology as a tool in the service of people, and Miroki must become its standard-bearer! – Pr Marc Ychou, Director General of the ICM