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University Hospital Federation – FHU EVOCAN

The University Hospital Federation FHU-EVOCAN is one of 3 FHUs to be accredited in January 2023 for the second time, following the launch of a call for tenders by the Montpellier and Nîmes University Hospitals , the University of Montpellier and AVIESAN, and an assessment of its application by a committee of national experts.

The aim of the FHU is to bring together clinicians and researchers around strong common themes in order to advance research and improve patient care.

The main aim of the FHU EVOCAN is to support joint projects between hospitals, universities and research bodies in the field of oncology, and to strengthen their collaboration around a medical theme that promises ground-breaking innovation: immunotherapy for cancer.


MEDVALLEE Montpellier is a strategic ambition to promote Montpellier as a world-class global health innovation ecosystem. “Feed, Protect, Care” are the major challenges of tomorrow and the motto of MEDVALLÉE.

With MEDVALLEE, all the economic, academic, and research stakeholders working at the crossroads of our metropolitan territory’s three excellence sectors are united within a powerful and highly visible community. Economic vitality, research attractiveness, and academic strength are the fertile foundations for MEDVALLEE’s strategy, which creates added value and jobs for the greater Montpellier area.

Canceropôle Grand Sud-Ouest

The Cancéropôle Grand Sud-Ouest (GSO) is one of seven Cancéropôles accredited by the National Cancer Institute (INCa) as part of the Cancer Plans. With an inter-regional and multi-disciplinary approach, it brings together nearly 500 teams of researchers and clinicians, mobilised against cancer throughout the regions of Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Occitanie. The Canceropôle shares expertise and know-how in order to create and strengthen research projects, and to accelerate the transfer of therapeutic innovation for the benefit of patients.

Onco-Occitanie network

The aim of the Onco-Occitanie network is to support, federate and coordinate the actors involved in cancer care in the Occitanie region in order to improve practices and the care pathway for patients.

As part of the territorial reform adopted in 2015, which gave rise to the Occitanie region, the OncoLR and Oncomip regional cancer networks merged to form the Onco-Occitanie regional cancer network for the Occitanie region.

The aim of the Onco-Occitanie network is to gradually harmonise the actions initiated by the two former networks in their respective regions, while respecting the specific characteristics of each, in line with the association’s project set up as part of the merger.


Eurobiomed is the Competitive Cluster for Healthtech in the South of France. Created in 2009 by all the health sector stakeholders in the Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte D’Azur and Occitanie regions, Eurobiomed represents an ecosystem of more than 400 industrial players, major groups, SMEs, startups, research laboratories and universities. They have come together to develop and market innovative products and services, generate growth and jobs in high-growth markets.

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With financial support from INCa, DGOS, and Inserm