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Management team

Pr David AZRIA


Dr Nathalie BONNEFOY

Scientific Director


General Manager

Karine SAGET

Project coordination Manager



The SIRIC Montpellier Cancer is a consortium bringing together the Montpellier Cancer Institute, the Montpellier University Hospital, the Inserm and CNRS Regional Delegations, the University of Montpellier and the Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University.

Steering Committees

The role of the Management Board is to approve the general policy of the SIRIC and to control its effective functioning. It is composed of representatives of the SIRIC partner institutions and associated organisations.

Representatives of the institutions forming the SIRIC consortium

  • Jacques CAVAILLÉ, Regional Delegate, Occitanie Méditerranée, Inserm
  • Sarah HATCHUEL, Vice-President of the Scientific Advisory Board, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3
  • Nathalie VIENNE – GUERRIN, Vice-President of the Scientific Advisory Board, responsible for relations with research organisations, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3
  • Anne FERRER, Director General, CHU de Montpellier
  • Jacques MERCIER, Vice-President of the Scientific Advisory Board, University of Montpellier
  • Jérôme VITRE, Regional Delegate, CNRS
  • Marc YCHOU, Director General, ICM

Representatives of associated organisations

  • Claire GATECEL, Regional Advisor, Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranée Region
  • Didier JAFFRE, Director General, ARS Occitanie
  • Jean-Bernard DUBOIS, Representative of the Ligue contre le Cancer (Cancer League)
  • Nadine HOUEDE, Director, Cancéropôle Grand Sud-Ouest
  • Eric VACARESSE, President, Eurobiomed cluster

The role of the Scientific Steering Committee is to assist the Director in defining and implementing the SIRIC’s scientific policy. The Committee is consulted by the Director on all matters relating to the organisation of research programmes and the management of resources.

The members of this committee are:

  • David AZRIA, Director of the SIRIC Montpellier Cancer, Chairman of the Scientific Steering Committee
  • Nathalie BONNEFOY, Scientific Director of the SIRIC Montpellier Cancer
  • Vanessa GUILLAUMON, General Manager of the SIRIC Montpellier Cancer
  • Karine SAGET, Project coordination Manager, SIRIC Montpellier Cancer
  • Aurore MARQUIS, Assistant, SIRIC Montpellier Cancer
  • Stéphanie NOUGARET, Scientific Manager Programme (IRP-1) PRIORITY
  • Jean-Pierre POUGET, Scientific Manager Programme (IRP-1) PRIORITY
  • Florence COUSSON-GELIE, Scientific Manger Programme (IRP-2) PANACEA
  • Pierre SENESSE, Scientific Manger Programme (IRP-2) PANACEA
  • Laurent LE CAM, Scientific Manager Programme (IRP-3) ENERGY
  • Valérie RIGAU, Scientific Manager Programme (IRP-3) ENERGY
  • Marc YCHOU, General Director ICM
  • William JACOT, Scientific Director ICM
  • Eric ASSENAT, Representative of the CHU-Montpellier Cancer Federation
  • Guillaume CARTRON, Representative of the FHU EVOCAN-2
  • Gregory NINOT, Representative of IDESP
  • Angelos CONSTANTINOU, Representative of IGH
  • Philippe JAY, Representative of IGF
  • Etienne SCHWOB, Representative of IGMM
  • Eric RIVALS, Representative of LIRMM
  • Stéphane PAGANO, Representative of LMGC
  • Cyril SARRAUSTE DE MENTHIERE, Patient partner

Each research programme is led by a clinician and a researcher, working in partnership to define the strategic guidelines of the programme. To develop its strategy, leaders rely on a Coordinating Committee, which participates in the organisation of scientific work and ensures the implementation of programme objectives.

The Patient Partners Committee is made up of patients and user representatives with complementary profiles, associating both qualified and volunteers members. The role of this committee is to develop and monitor the health democracy policy within the SIRIC, but also to promote collaboration with regional, national and European health democracy networks.

An International Advisory Committee of scientific experts renowned in SIRIC’s research areas, is consulted to make recommendations on the scientific orientations of the research programmes.

The members of this committee are:

  • Vickie BARACOS, University of Alberta, Canada, Professor in the Department of Oncology, Palliative Care Medicine
  • Christian FREZZA, University of Cologne, Germany, Professor of Metabolomics of Ageing
  • Marie JOHNSTON, University of Aberdeen, England, Emeritus Professor of Health Psychology
  • Florian LORDICK, University of Leipzig Cancer Centre, Germany, Director of the Department of Medicine
  • Esat Mahmut ÖZSAHIN, Univesity Hospital of Vaudois, Switzerland, Professor of Radiation Oncology
  • Kevin PRISE, Cancer and Cell Biology Research Centre, Queen’s University, Belfast, Ireland, Professor of Radiation Biology
  • Hebert Alberto VARGAS, Department of Body Imaging, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA, Professor of Medical Imaging

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With financial support from INCa, DGOS, and Inserm