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This call for projects , organized by SIRIC Montpellier Cancer and University Hospital Federation (FHU) Evocan 2, aims to fund internship stipends for Master’s level students. These internships should support research projects that align with the shared themes of SIRIC and FHU.

With a total budget of €10,000, the AAP can support emerging projects or strengthen existing ones.

FHU Evocan 2 and SIRIC Montpellier Cancer are pleased to announce the two winning projects:

  • “Impact of dysregulated cancer cell metabolism on γδ T cell functions and their use in cell therapy” by Virginie Lafont, Researcher at IRCM
  • “Colorectal cancers and metabolism” by Marion Lapierre, Researcher at IRCM

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With financial support from INCa, DGOS, and Inserm